
November 07, 2012

VHP leader in Panchjanya considers “secularism” the “biggest threat”

It is Deepavali special edition time for both Sangh Parivar journals. While Panchjanya has carried columns related to socio-political challenges, the latest issue of Organiser has given prominence to economic issues. An interview of senior VHP leader Ashok Singhal in Panchjanya has declared “secularism” the “biggest threat” to the country among five dangers outlined by him. Singhal lists “expansionist Church”, “violent Islam”, “Chinese Maoism” and “secular Media” as the other four big threats to Hinduism, in that order.

“Secularism is a threat to the country. It is a conspiracy to finish off the Hindu community... if this country continued to practise secularism it will end Hinduism altogether,” says Singhal.

Source: http://www.indianexpress.com/news/threat-gallery/1028314/0